Precision medicine: reality, advances and future
Dr. Fausto Zaruma – Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences University of Cuenca Precision medicine (PM) is an innovative medical approach
Cover » An expert gives his opinion
Dr. Fausto Zaruma – Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences University of Cuenca Precision medicine (PM) is an innovative medical approach
Dr. César Paz-y-Miño. – UTE University. genetica_medica@cesarpazymino.com Precision Medicine, also known as personalized medicine, represents a fundamental change in the way in which
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Freddy Zambrano Gavilanes – Research Professor – Oilseed Specialist) Oilseeds are plants of great importance due to their ability to produce seeds or fruits
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Diana Medina G. – CEO, Online Educational Platform alaU.org. With an evident conviction, currently educational institutions have focused their efforts on returning to the face-to-face model
Javier Valdiviezo – Coordinator of the Academic and Training Area, CEDIA. The education of the 21st century is based on cooperation and collaboration for the
The importance of learning the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, from an early age, in Ecuador.
Training of educators with technology and human sense.