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Technology Watch: Plastics 

Relevant data on technological development issues (mainly patents) for innovative technologies in the plastics sector.


Below is a map with the most representative countries in the development of each innovative trend in the plastics sector.  

Who is at the forefront of technological development? 

Next, we will observe the geographical distribution of patents based on two indicators:  

  1. Number of protection records by origin (origin of inventors and developer organizations): This indicator shows the degree of innovation, as well as places with robust research and development systems on the subject.
  1. Number of registrations by destination of protection (potential target markets): This indicator is of vital importance to know the established markets where the commercialization of products can be sustainable.

Top 20: Top Tech Developers vs. Potential target markets (protection destinations).

*Ecuador is number 65 in the world ranking

Source: PatSnap

Main R+D+i developers  

The following table contains the main companies and institutions with the largest patent portfolios, in each of the technological segments. The high number of universities that have an important portfolio of patents stands out, especially in the Biocomposites segment.  

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