Analysis of the development of R+D+i in the industry
Below is an analysis of technological innovation based on a total of 4889 inventions reported in recent years.
The analysis shows that there is a clear upward trend in the number of invention registration applications, with a significant increase from 2017. In addition, a greater number of applications is observed in 2020, coinciding with the pandemic generated by COVID-19.

Who is at the forefront of technological development?
In order to better understand the relationship between existing inventions and the markets where these inventions can be commercialized, the Top 5 countries of origin of inventions and the main countries where inventions are protected are presented below. .
The country of origin shows the degree of innovation of that country, while the countries where inventions are protected can be considered potential target markets.
The latter are particularly relevant since they present markets where developments, within each of the different technological trends in the sector, may have greater commercial interest. As can be seen, China and the United States are at the forefront both as countries that develop inventions, as well as destinations for protection. These countries are followed by Korea and Japan, which maintain the same trend. Finally, the number of inventions for the European Patent Office (EPO) is shown, which collects information from all the countries that belong to this jurisdiction.

In a complementary way, the Top 5 countries that generate scientific publications worldwide are shown below. This indicator shows the level of research and development of these countries in the area of technology for education. As can be seen, once again the United States and China are at the forefront as countries that generate research in the area.

Segmentation of inventions by technological trends
In order to complement the analysis carried out, the number of inventions within each of the technological trends in the sector is shown below.
It can be observed within the total number of inventions analyzed, that both the areas of artificial intelligence and big data and immersive technologies have approximately the same number of inventions. In both cases the number of inventions is higher compared to the area of online learning platforms.
- Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Education — 2049
- Immersive Technologies for Education — 2110
- Online Learning Platforms — 1440

Main R+D+i developers
Below are the main companies and organizations that develop each of the technological trends in the sector. This information makes it possible to identify those companies or organizations that are at the forefront of development worldwide and that are benchmarks in this market.

Investigative development in Ecuador
In order to provide a clearer perspective —of research in educational technologies at the national level—, an analysis of the scientific productivity of
Ecuadorian origin is presented below, during the last 10 years.
For this purpose, an analysis of the history of publications in the three technological trends of the sector was carried out, as well as the main Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their researchers.

artificial intelligence and big data
Methods or devices for teaching and learning
Developments that support teaching and learning processes through data analysis. Automatic lesson grading systems stand out through specialized algorithms or automatic delivery of feedback on the tasks developed by the student.
Adaptive educational material or content
These technological developments are focused on automatically adapting educational content based on the learning metrics of each student. They include the level of interaction and the level of understanding of educational content.
Immersive technologies for education
Virtual environments for teaching and learning
This trend encompasses developments that describe the operation and structure of systems for the implementation of virtual environments. That is, they describe from the elements that are part of the system to the appearance of the virtual environment to be deployed.
Hardware devices for virtual reality
This development trend is related to technological systems that describe hardware equipment as a central part of virtual reality systems.
Online learning platforms
Mass access online learning platforms
Cover developments that describe the architecture for the deployment of these systems. Additionally, this trend includes technological developments implemented as part of these platforms, which seek to enhance performance indicators of the learning process.
Learning objects
These inventions are related to the development and optimization of the use of these objects as part of the structure of online learning platforms.