Patent transferred to South American Inspection Services Sais Ecuador SA: Reference: SP-12-11763

Problem / Opportunity
Due to the fact that massively used plastic materials derived from gas or oil have
great chemical inertness, they cannot be attacked by microorganisms present in the environment, which is why they are not biodegradable. However, there are biodegradable plastics that are obtained from sources of renewable raw materials such as starch, sugar, vegetable oil, etc., which are called biopolymers that are truly biodegradable under controlled composting conditions.

Product / Solution
The present invention resides in the fact that by combining the banana fiber with cassava starch during an incubation (mixture), the debranching of the starch is produced and, with it, a greater flexibility and elasticity is achieved in the product of the state of The technique. After this incubation, a heat treatment is applied that, among other benefits, inactivates the isoamylase present in the banana fiber to avoid hyperdebranching of the starch.

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